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Principles for Global Corporate Responsibility:
Bench Marks for Measuring Business Performance


Section 1.3 - Local Communities

The company recognizes its political and economic impact on local communities especially where it is the principal or key employer. Its programme, policies and practices help promote a full range of human rights within each community where it operates.

The company takes account of local culture in its decision-making processes while not condoning cultural patterns, which denigrate human beings on the basis of gender, class, racial/ethnic origin, culture, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, caste, tribe or disability.

The company affirms the central importance of sustainability for communities, in the present and the future, for the integrity of human beings, culture, society, economic well being, environmental responsibility and the way of life of the people.

The company respects the inclusive involvement of all stakeholders in developing civil society partnerships and host community agreements.

The company accepts the principle of prior engagement with relevant non-governmental organisations and civil society.

The company develops a policy statement that measures its social, environmental and economic impact on local communities affected by its operations.

The company, in consultation with the local community, establishes a policy that incorporates into its business plan the best interests of the community, both now and into the future.

The company evaluates all of its operations in the light of community sustainability.

Respect is shown by the company for the local community, especially with regard to water, land, air, food, energy, religion, gender and culture.

Employees are encouraged to participate in local community activities and organisations.

The company seeks to develop long-term business relationships in local communities and does not terminate its operations without assessing the long-term environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability impacts on the local community.

The company is careful of the impact of its power and influence especially in its use of the local media and its advertising strategies.

The company aspires to integrating the interests of all stakeholders with that of its own business goals.

The company recognizes various stakeholder groups and establishes an inclusive and exhaustive consultation process with them.

Bench Marks
Company decisions are made in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

The company establishes a transparent process to gain the informed consent of the community prior to establishing its operations in that community.

The company establishes a consultative structure, including a senior director and representatives of stakeholders identified by local communities, society and its own workforce, which meets on a regular basis to discuss the company's business goals in relation to community needs, including social and environmental concerns.

The company develops specific indicators (such as on local employment, natural resources, health, infrastructure, preservation of cultural values) to measure how it contributes to community sustainability and reports publicly.

The company reports in oral and written form, on its community impact in a manner that is accessible to local communities in the local language.

The company communicates to its shareholders and the public any environmental liabilities by reflecting these liabilities in its financial statements and balance sheet reporting.

The company makes available its returned, second-hand, and reject goods and outlet samples through local independent distributors.

The company has a plant closure policy, which provides transitional arrangements for employees.